In the Victorian Era in Britain, the people of the age were caught in a worlewind of technology and innovation. Trains were cutting travel times drastically. This led to fasted transportation of not only people but also of goods and ideas. Factories were changing production from individually crafted to mass produced. Not only changing production but also the lives of people. People were cramming into the cities. With other inventions such as the telegraphy, photography, and steam ships, everything was being touched by change. Some people adapted with these changes. Others fought them with all their might. In our lifetime we've seen the Facebook revolution in its fullest. How has Facebook effected our lives?
Before Facebook communication was mainly done via telephone, email, or personal interaction. But since its creation, it has changed the way we communicate forever, just like the Victorian Era's communication. Facebook began as a college social network (as anyone would know who has seen "The Social Network"). It quickly spread to be worldwide. I personally feel Facebook has connected us and separated us in many ways.
Now it is common to here the phrase "Facebook me" or "did you see what so-and-so put on Facebook?" We find out more about people on facebook than in real life. I can watch my baby nephew growing up on my sister's Facebook page without so much as ever even seeing him. I can chat with my friend in Denmark with out ever even hearing her laugh.
There is no doubt we are connected to each other more than ever through Facebook, but how has it damaged communication? I know a number of friends who will talk on Facebook with a new friend and later realize that person never talks to them in actual passing on the Quad. What will we say on Facebook that we would never really say? Businesses often research a perspective employee on Facebook before hiring. I personally have a friend who wasn't hired for a teaching position due to a photo of her holding a drink from years before. Facebook is a personal archive. Perhaps too personal.
Like a said, there is no doubt Facebook is connecting us. But it is also destroying communication skills. Some people don't understand that EVERYONE can see what they put on Facebook. Facebook is a tool for communication but should not be relied upon to heavily as our culture is doing. Facebook has changed the way we communicate forever. It's just not that personal anymore.
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